Ronan Kapetanovic

PhD, "Microbiota, Monogastric and Salmonella" team member


I am studying host-pathogen interactions and how Salmonella can infect and utilise macrophage as a reservoir.
My research tackles the identification and the characteriszation of new antimicrobial pathways in these immune cells. My latest work is focusing on :
mitochondrial dynamic,
> the role of zinc and copper in the antibacterial response.

Other activities

> since sept. 2023: Member of the Equity/Diversity Committee of the INRAE Val de Loire Center
> 2021-2023: Coordination of European project MCIF IMMUNOACTYL

Contact details

Ronan Kapetanovic

Ronan Kapetanovic
INRAE Val de Loire
UMR ISP - 311
37380 - Nouzilly
33(0)2 47 42 78 85
Email :



See also

Modification date: 17 January 2024 | Publication date: 17 January 2024 | By: Ronan Kapetanovic