Virus-like particules of the Merkel cell Polyomavirus, obtained by the VP1 major protein expression and observed by transmission electron microscopy.

Biology of polyomavirus infections

Team leader: Antoine Touzé

Virus-like particules of theMerkel cell Polyomavirus, obtained by the VP1 major protein expression and observed by transmission electron microscopy. © University of Tours, TOUZE Antoine, SIZARET P-Y


The BIP team is devoted to the study of polyomavirus infections in humans. Our main focus is on the Merkel cell carcinoma polyomavirus (MCPyV), the causative agent of the vast majority of Merkel cell carcinomas (MCC), and the BK polyomavirus involved in kidney transplant rejection.

supported by the Centre Val de Loire region
supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Our activities cover the epidemiology of polyomavirus infections in the general population, the histogenesis of MCC, the development of innovative therapeutic solutions for the treatment of MCC (Adcitmer project supported by the Centre Val de Loire region and the ERDF) and other indications, as well as treatments for BK virus reactivation (BKTher project supported by the CVL region). The work on MCC is based on a cohort of patients and has made it possible to identify MCPyV and host markers for the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of MCC. In addition to the therapeutic aspects, work in progress aims to continue on the histogenesis of MCC and on the cellular factors regulating replication of the BK polyomavirus.


Pubmed since 2012


Scientific staff:
Arnold Françoise
Guyétant Serge
Kevarrec Thibault
Leblond Valérie
Samimi Mahtab
Touzé Antoine

Technician :

PhD students:
Durand Marie-Alice
Liv Tiffany

Modification date: 11 March 2024 | Publication date: 08 March 2017 | By: "Biology of polyomavirus infections" team