Core / Facilities

In this folder

PhD, leader of the International Center for Microbial Resources dedicated to pathogenic bacteria in humans and animals (CIRM-BP)
PhD, member of the International Center for Microbial Resources dedicated to pathogenic bacteria in humans and animals (CIRM-BP)
Member of the IMI team (Imaging & Infectiology), head of the flow cytometry axis
PhD, leader of the IMI team (Imaging & Infectiology), head of the photonics bioimaging and image analysis axis
Member of the IMI team (Imaging & Infectiology), head of the histology laboratory
Member of the IMI team (Imaging & Infectiology), expert in flow cytometry activities and head of sample preparation for Single Cell approaches

Modification date: 20 November 2023 | Publication date: 31 August 2023 | By: communication