Detection of Mycobacterium bovis in mouse lungs 7 weeks post infection (modified Ziehl staining, magnification X 600). © INRAE, COCHARD Thierry

Bacterial infections and immunity in ruminants

Team leader: Pierre Germon

Detection of Mycobacterium bovis in mouse lungs 7 weeks post infection (modified Ziehl staining, magnification X 600). © INRAE, COCHARD Thierry


The research activity of the team is dedicated to the study of two main bacterial infections of ruminants, bovine tuberculosis and mastitis, that have a significant impact on animal and human health worldwide.
The team addresses these diseases along three complementary lines:
> Phenotypic and functional characterization of inflammatory cells and their interactions with lymphocytes. New approaches for mastitis control by vaccination are also being investigated. Regarding bTB, our main goal is to understand how lung innate cells, in particular neutrophils, impact on the protective versus pathological granulomatous response. We approach these questions in the bovine host or mice and also develop original models including bovine cell lines, reconstructed cellular models and Precise Cut Slices.
> Characterization of bacterial cell wall components involved in virulence and immune modulation, in particular the LPS of Escherichia coli, one of the major mastitis pathogens. 
> Understanding of bacterial diversity of major mastitis pathogens, especially Streptococcus uberis, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, and identification of key molecular determinants for fitness, transmission, virulence and persistence in the environment.


Pubmed since 2012


Scientifics :
Doz-Deblauwe Emilie
Germon Pierre
Gilbert Florence
Prado-Martins Rodrigo
Rainard Pascal
Rémot Aude
Winter Nathalie

Technicians and assistant engineers :
Carreras Florence
Cunha Patricia
Ferter Maryline
Gitton Christophe

PhD students :
Danzelle Célya
Saint-Vanne Maïa

Modification date: 16 February 2024 | Publication date: 08 March 2017 | By: "Bacterial infections and immunity in ruminants" team